Digital Experiences
Strategy & Campaigns

Digital Lead Generation and Nurturing Strategy for DAFZA






Professional Services

The Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA) is one of the Gulf’s largest hubs of global trade, hosting nearly 2,000 multinational enterprises.

Our full-funnel digital lead generation and nurturing framework facilitated DAFZA growth marketing approach, strengthening messaging and reach across businesses from Asia, Europe, and North America.

  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Social Media Marketing
  • 2D Animation
  • Design
DAFZA guide pages on multiple tablets, element of B2B marketing campaign and lead generation strategy.

Lead Generation Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

Lead Nurturing Automation

Project Objectives

The Dubai Airport Freezone sought to attract entrepreneurs and international brands to set up their business in Dubai. Given the large and diverse target audience, DAFZA needed to strategically streamline their lead generation and nurturing throughout the year, and come up with the creative plan on how to compete with other freezones.

Identifying the Strengths and Weaknesses

We started the project by auditing DAFZA digital presence and conducting mystery shopper research to identify lead management bottlenecks and benchmark them against local competitors. This approach revealed areas for improvement and ensured DAFZA strategies were competitive in the market.

The Strategy

Having identified key blockers and optimisation areas, we proceeded to develop a comprehensive digital strategy with two primary goals: increasing pipeline velocity and generating leads at scale. Our strategy included a full-funnel lead management framework, providing actionable content plans with tailored value propositions and messaging for each audience segment.

Schematic representation of a full-funnel customer journey on a digital platform, illustrating key UX & UI user touchpoints.

Digital Tools & Atomation

Following the strategy formulation, we moved to its implementation. This began with setting up automation workflows to ensure efficient handling of leads at every stage of the funnel, from initial engagement to conversion. This setup provided DAFZA with personalised follow-ups and timely interactions, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the lead management process.

New Look & Feel

Next, we focused on updating the brand visuals to create a more engaging look and feel while staying true to the existing corporate identity guidelines. This included developing a new infographic style to complement the photo imagery that has been a key element of DAFZA marketing thus far.

Campaign Assets

Then, we moved on to the production of campaign assets. We developed materials for the first campaign roll-out, targeting the automotive, healthcare, and service industries. The content included expert pieces, explainer videos, landing pages, emails, and advertising assets, all strategically aligned with the various stages of the customer journey.

Awareness Guide

To showcase the licencing benefits to the top-of-the-funnel audience, we delivered ‘The Complete Guide to Doing Business in Dubai’, an ebook introducing Dubai as a major trade hub. It provided a deep dive into the UAE economy in a truly informative, guidebook format. 

Animated Video

To foster strong brand interaction and trust upon the first digital touchpoint, we delivered an animated awareness video that explained the offering.

Knowledge Sharing and Thought Leadership

To further engage the high-value leads deep in the funnel, we delivered highly tailored and insights-intensive LinkedIn thought leadership posts and press releases. We supported our efforts with engaging banners, graphs, and calls to action.

LinkedIn thought leadership campaign displayed on smartphones, part of lead generation strategy.
Email campaign templates on tablets, showcasing personalized B2B marketing strategy.